Monday, October 24, 2016

Eerie Nights Blog Hop!

A big THANK YOU to Marian @ Seams to Be Sew and Amy @ Sew Incredibly Crazy for hosting this Blog Hop!  I've worked with them on a few hops in the past and it has been wonderful but I am SOOOOO excited to be participating in this hop because it's HALLOWEEN!!!!!!

With a business name like Batts in the Attic, people rarely figure out that I’m a quilting company.  They just think that I can’t spell very well and that I like Halloween!  Actually, I am a good speller, but haven’t studied up enough to win one of those cool spelling bees that kids do on TV while winning oodles of scholarship money.  But I do LOVE Halloween.

While attending the annual retreat in South Carolina of the Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild, I met a lady named Linda Yehle who made the most adorable embellished mini quilts.  I asked her if she could make a Halloween, specifically batty, one for me and she said yes!  I was so excited when I got her email last month telling me that she had finished and I could hardly wait for the mail to bring it – well, it was definitely worth that jumping-up-and-down wait, don’t you think?  I just love my little “Batty Mini Sue” and she will be my most essential Halloween decoration EVER!

I also have been working on a Halloween quilt from a kit I bought a few years ago.  I started it at Quilt Market last October in Houston and started working on it again last month.  Got the top finished!  I’ll be traveling and teaching the whole month of October, so it won’t be quilted this month, but I was so happy to get the top done that it’s OK!  I get home from Quilt Market on Halloween, so I’ll be just in time to hand out candy and check out all the cool costumes!

What I loved about the kit, and why I had to buy it, was that it had a very high percentage of bats in the fabrics, including the border fabric.  Lots and lots and lots of bats!!

Dawna Harrison, owner of my local quilt store, Bolts in the Bathtub, is always keeping her eyes open for bat fabrics – she texted me a pic of this one last week…and told me she got me a little.  No idea what “little” means, but I’m excited just the same!

It seems like there are good bat years – where you can find batty socks, earrings, decorations, etc. – and bad bat years, where you can only find all those things in jack-o-lanterns or cats or spiders.  This has not been a great bat year so far; at least, I haven’t found many – have you?  Am I just not shopping at the right places?  Clue me in!!

And what's a Blog Hop without a great giveaway?!?!

Quilter's Dream is the prize...

And here's how you enter...

And here's the schedule for the hop!  I'm including past days so you can check out all of the fun Halloween projects!!!  

October 20

October 21

October 24

October 25

October 26

October 27

October 28

Happy Halloween!!!


  1. Your quilt is awesome! The bat fabric is fun!

  2. I do like the quilt and the bats, but prefer pumpkins. Enjoy Market!

  3. I love all the different Halloween fabrics in your quilt. The blue really compliments the orange and black. You have done a beautiful job piecing it. Can't wait to see it quilted. You're right, I haven't seen many bats displayed this year.

  4. Your quilt looks ghoulishy awesome with all those scary fabrics!

  5. Great quilt for the season and your friends mini quilt is totally adorable

  6. Great use of fabrics in your quilt, and the embellished mini quilt is really sweet!

  7. Wonderful projects!!! Love the mini, Paula...

  8. Would have never thought sunbonnet sue and bats go together--but it works! What a great mini!

  9. Your batty sue is sew cute. That is going to be one seriouslt spooky quilt whwn quilted.

  10. Your batty sue is sew cute. That is going to be one seriouslt spooky quilt whwn quilted.

  11. The mini quilt is so cute. I love Halloween because it is my birthday! It is so nice to have people who don't know me celebrate with me!

  12. Whoever thought of Sue for a Halloween quilt? I'd never have . . . but I adore it! So . . . you never did say. Where DID your business name come from? Do you just especially love bats? (lynnstck[at]

  13. Your quilt is awesome. Love the fabrics, especially the bats. And "Batty Sue" is just too cute for words.

  14. Love that quilt. Have some of the border fabric that I made a table runner from. It's great. And your mini Sue's are so cute. What a wonderful little decoration.

  15. Love this quilt. The blue in the color scheme is perfection. Bats are totally misunderstood!
    xx, Carol

  16. I love Halloween, too. The sweet little Sue quilt is adorable!

    Marsha B

  17. The blue in your quilt adds a great accent. Love those bats and that mini with the Sunbonnet Sue's!

  18. I do love your quilt but (Dare I say it?)I don't like bats .LOL I Really love the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. I haven't seen her decked out for Halloween before and the quilt looks awesome. Thank you for sharing.

  19. The mini is cute. The large quilt is great. I hung up my Frankenstein quilt as a top only a few years ago. I didn't want him to miss out on Halloween just because he wasn't finished completely. Glad you will be home in time for the fun. I haven't seen a lot of bat fabric this year either. But, I am trying to be good so haven't really looked. My husband seems to think that over 450 Halloween fabrics is enough. Go figure. :)

  20. Fun projects. Love the bat fabric.

  21. Very cute mini quilt, but I have to say that bat fabric is very, ugh, batty.

  22. oh my the mini is wonderful with all those tiny Halloween Sue's. Your quilt is gorgeous. Cant wait to see it completed.

  23. I love the Batty Sue quilt! How cut that she got all decked out for Halloween!

  24. You GOT us quilters, we are your peeps - we know the difference between BATTS and bats! Yay! You got me digging through my spooky stash.

  25. That is an adorable mini...whew the hours of work in that! What a bright and fun kit you finished too. Love those batts!

  26. the mini is cute, but i like your quilt much better.

  27. That's a super cute mini quilt. And your quilt top is gorgeous too! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  28. Love your mini batty Sue and the quilt you made (LOVE the bat fabric!) thanks for sharing

  29. Your little Batty Mini Sue is so cute. Love the quilt top you got done...very Halloweeny. Did you pick up all of your friend's bat fabric or did you leave some for others? ;)

  30. Like any profession, quilters have their own vocabulary. Enjoy being batty!

  31. That kit quilt top is just stunning!


  33. Great bat fabric-just a wonderful Halloween quilt-love that shade of blue! No bats here either, picked up a yard a few years back-hoping to make one soon. Thank you, Susan

  34. There are so many cute Halloween fabrics! Your Halloween quilt turned out great!

  35. Loved them yesss halloween is a fun holiday to sew for ty for your

  36. Loved them yesss halloween is a fun holiday to sew for ty for your

  37. Love your quilt, an that little mini is adorable. I like the Sue with the witch's hat!

  38. such a cute all the bats

  39. Hahaha! Mini Batty Sue's. Too cute. I've made one Sunbonnet Sue and it still hangs on the wall. I look at it and see how crooked the sides are. Early quilting! Thanks for sharing that cute mini and the giveaways!

  40. The embellished mini quilt is fantastic. I also like the quilt you worked on. The pattern seems easy enough to not frustrate. Happy Halloween.

  41. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netOctober 25, 2016 at 11:14 AM

    Both quilts are wonderful, and the bat fabric is perfect.

  42. Congratulations on getting the quilt top done. I am sure you will be anxious to get it quilted now too.

  43. Your Halloween Sunbonnet Sue is beautiful!!! Lovely job!!!

  44. Love it! Sunbonnet Sue does Halloween.

  45. Cute quilts! I'm not usually looking for bars, so I'm not sure....but I haven't even seen an overload of fall decor this year.

  46. Very tedious mini, cute. Bats are actually good to have around. We had a bat house close to the garage and barns, at night when HD would work out there they would fly in for the bugs attracted to the lights. I like your batty quilt.

  47. I like seeing that batty fabric. We've had some actual bats here at our house, and once I got over the surprise, they were not so creepy. I understand they are having a hard time in the world.

  48. As soon as I saw that fabric, I knew it would be right for you! I know that when you are looking for a specific fabric, it is so hard to find. Then later when you don't want it or need it anymore, there it is!

  49. I don't know if bat stuff is out there or not. Ever since last fall when there was a bat flying around in my family room, I stay away from bats of all types! Well, except batts.

  50. I love your little Sunbonnet Halloween cute! Haven't looked for bats this year, but need to go out shopping tomorrow and will keep my eyes open. Thanks for sharing!

  51. I am fascinated by the 3-D min Sunbonnet Sue quilt. So clever and the detail is amazing!

  52. Linda did a fabulous job on the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. How big is it? When you finish your quilt you'll have a beautiful Halloween quilt for next year. I haven't seen any bat fabric this year.

    1. I don’t have Mini Sue with me so I don’t know exactly how big she is, but slightly smaller than a piece of copy paper. She did do a great job!!! And I know... I wish there was WAY more bat fabric!

  53. I prefer baseball bats at this time of year;-) sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  54. Pretty Halloween quilts! Thanks for sharing.
    sstanton0155 at gmail dot com

  55. Great Halloween projects; that little quilt is sweet. Happy Halloween!

  56. Bats on fabric are the only cute ones. This is a fun hop.

  57. You have a lot of bats in the air. Have a great time at market!

  58. Bats are great but I need a Mini Sue for my wall.

  59. Man did you score! That is the cutest mini ever and right up your belfry. Your project is great too, but that mini. I want some of that bat fabric she used. Thanks for sharing. (PS I love my bat scooters.)

  60. Thanks for sharing these delightful quilts, and showing us the bat fabric. What fun!

  61. Batty Mini Sue is delightful! And your quilt top is fantastic. Wonderful work!

  62. Love the quilt.Thanks for sharing

  63. Linda Yehle did a wonderful job on the mini Sunbonnet Sue quilt.


  65. Bats in the Attic - Bolts in the Bathtub - Sounds like a winning combination to me! Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  66. That mini Sun Batty Sue is adorable! Way worth the wait. What a great gift to open it when it finally arrived! Of course you collect bat fabric. Funny how that comes and goes. Can't say that I've seen much where I am but then I don't know if I've been looking although I do shop Halloween fabric for sure. Good luck with your search!

  67. That's an adorable mini Sue! How fortunate to have a friend who can "shop" fabric for you. It really hasn't been such a batty year, has it?

    Rebecca in SoCal (Did this after filling in the Rafflecopter, forgetting which sign-in I use) rlighthill at att dot net

  68. The mini is totally adorable even if it's quite batty. The Halloween quilt is wonderful.

  69. I'm pulling for you to get that Halloween quilt done sometime in this next year, so it will be in full use October of 2017! I can tell you are "batty" over bat fabrics! I'd be batty over that Quilter's Dream batting if I win!

  70. I think of you every time I use my bat grips. :) Happy Halloween!

  71. I love your Halloween quilt!!! 'Tis is spooktacular!!!😘

  72. I love your Halloween quilt! The fabrics in it are so true to the holiday!

  73. You Halloween quilt is great! I have made a number of Halloween quilts, but I kind of steer away from realistic bat fabric. I have had too many run ins with real bats and they kind of creep me out! Have one fly over your head at 5:30 in the morning and wake you up and you will know what I mean! LOL!!

  74. That's a great Halloween quilt top and yes, sometimes getting just the top done is a win! I haven't found too many bats this year but I haven't really been looking. You're right that some years you seem to find a lot and some years you can't find any. Have fun at Quilt Market and Happy Halloween!

  75. Are those itty-bitty Sues appliqued? I can't imagine what nimble fingers it would take to pull that off!

  76. Such tiny Sunbonnet Sues! very cool. Your kit is coming along nicely. Love those fabrics!

  77. Paula, Love your quilt. One of these days I would love to make a bigger quilt like you did for Halloween. I would be excited with a "little" fabric as well.

  78. How fun!! Sunbonnet sue is having such a great time!! Love it!!

    Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way too :)

  79. Love Miss Sue! Both very cute quilts. Great hop! ndfromsd atgmaildotcom


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