I didn't either...
When I was teaching in Oklahoma City a few months ago, I stayed with my friends Mary and Phil Newton. Phil is the brand manager for Amann-Mettler Group, the company that makes the wonderful Mettler threads that I use all the time, so he came into my class and did a presentation on the Mettler Me app for the iPhone. This is a very cool app that you can download for free from the App Store! It helps you keep track of your thread inventory, tells you where you can buy more and you can even take a picture of your fabric or quilt and try out different threads to see what color(s) will be best. It’s such a cool app! And Free!
Mary’s sister Martha Sheriff was with us for dinner most evenings and she brought me a surprise – a small fabric and vinyl bag with snaps at the top that is just perfect for hauling around things like spools of thread, seam ripper, Batt Snips, etc. – all those little things that seem to get lost when I travel.
My gift bag was full of chocolate – hooray!
Martha’s company is called Madcow Creationz and has a cute logo with a cow pic and the website address on it that’s sewn into each bag that she makes. She asked me at dinner one night. “Do you know what Madcow stands for?” Had to admit that I was clueless and she explained that she was part of a group of women who regularly get together with their daughters to make things on the weekends when everyone had a bit more free time. So it stands for “Mothers And Daughters Crafting on Weekends”! Is that the coolest thing?
You can see all their stuff on the website. Martha also has bag patterns available on the Craftsy website that you can order if you’d like to make your own. They're not up on her website yet, but she also has about 40 colors of snaps to coordinate with any fabric you’re thinking about making a bag from -- I love the red snaps and the foodie fabric that mine is made of! The snaps are $4 for a set of 12 in one color. Email her at marth@madcowcreationz.com to place an order. Plus Martha gave us a special promo... if you mention "Batt Scooters" in the email, you'll get free shipping!
I’m leaving on another teaching trip pretty quick, so I’m going to go load it up! And I won’t forget the chocolate!!!