Thursday, March 24, 2016

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop!!!

Thanks to Marian Pena of Seams to Be Sew for hosting this Blog Hop!!   I am so excited to be a part of Quilt Qwazy Queens!

If this is your first visit here… WELCOME!  If you’re a follower of mine already, take time to visit each blog on the hop each day… there are creative ideas, fun stories, and fantastic giveaways at each stop!!

So... I am absolutely a Qwazy Quilting Queen!  Here's my story...

My husband Dan knew I was going to love quilting before I did!  He and I went to a quilt show with a good friend of mine and her husband in March 1990.  While I was looking at the quilts with Mary, Dan and Steve were wandering around and talking to the vendors.  When I left the quilt viewing area, Dan handed me a big bag with an Omnigrid 6”x24” ruler, a 45mm rotary cutter and a huge green self-healing mat.  He said, “You were in there so long I know you’re going to love this!”  I had an old Sears Kenmore machine that I probably got when I was in my late teens, rarely used but carted around from house to house as I progressed through my adult life.

Three weeks after Dan gave me the goods, I locked my keys in the trunk of my car, decided to spend a day at home, and made my first quilt from fabrics leftover from drapes and an open package of low loft polyester batting that was probably purchased to pad a cornice.  I spent the day piecing, quilting and binding a lap size quilt.  It is worn and faded from many years of use and sunshine from being draped over a sofa in a south facing window (who knew?), but it is my first quilt and I will love it always!

The whole day I spent making that quilt I was thinking to myself how much fun sewing was and that I really should spend more time doing it.  So I made a few more quilts, decided that I really loved it, bought a grown up machine and made a few more.  Did a little teaching, then decided to leave my day job and go into machine quilting for others full time on my domestic machine.  My life totally changed due to that small series of circumstances leading to the making of that very first quilt.

I count my blessings daily that I get to do this for a living!  Even pinch myself occasionally to make sure I am really awake and on that plane to the next quilt store or sewing machine shop that has invited a group of people for me to teach my particular take on machine quilting on domestic machines.  I am also truly grateful for my husband, who understands that I just need to get out there and travel and meet new students and see old friends.  He treats me like I truly am the Queen!

So to continue with the Queen theme – it sounded terribly British to me, so I thought what could be more British than English paper piecing?  I just happened to receive a Quilty Box on that very topic in January and thought 
Simply sign up for our newsletter at our website and you'll be entered to win!!  
We'll announce the winner next week via email and social media!!  

And now for the lineup of blogs on this fabulous blog hop I know some of these dates have passed but you should still visit the blogs... they are wonderful!

After You leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only At
Seams to Be Sew

After You leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only At
Seams to Be Sew

As a gift to everyone,the Fat Quarter Shop is offering  a 10% discount during the hop.

 (This is not good for gift certificates however.)

Use this code at checkout to receive 10% off your purchase:


And finally… how to enter the giveaway.  And a BIG THANK YOU to Marian Pena of Seams to Be Sew for putting this together and to Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring this blog hop and donating the giveaway!  

 To enter, simply click on the Rafflecopter below!

Good luck and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Paula. Looks like your Rafflecopter isn't working. I dont' know much about them either. Thank you for sharing your story with us.


  2. What a great story! I love that your husband "knew" you that well.

  3. It's quite cool how your hubby "tuned" into you, maybe he was secretly wanting a quilt for himself.. throwing it over his lap for his fishing or hunting trips, or maybe while he's spilling his drink while yelling at the the guy who didn't catch the ball at that last almost made touchdown.. hehehe I'm glad you got into quilting Paula, you do some beautiful quilting as can be seen all over your blog. I am sew happy you joined us for this hop. Hugs!!!

  4. Isn't it great how supportive our husbands are of our quilt craziness. I travel with a girlfriend to shows near and far. We take classes and go on shop hops. Last summer we went to over 100 shops on the Row by Row Experience. Looking forward to seeing your posts regularly.

  5. what a wonderful journey. gotta love our husbands who know what we will love and then follow through and support us along the way. I have one of those too and he is a keeper for sure. thanks for the chance. seems like your raffle copter is not working. hmmmm
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  6. And that is just how we roll! Love your story and the support of your husband is just fabulous! Thanks for sharing! in case I am a no reply blogger!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing. Am smiling about your husband "knowing". How fabulous that your partner is so in "tune" with you.

  8. What a sweet guy to realize you'd need those special tools to start your quilt journey. I love that! Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!

  9. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

  10. Some husbands know us better than we know ourselves! My husband bought an embroidery machine for me, thinking I'd enjoy it. After leaving it sit for 3 months in the box (I was very intimidated by it), he got it out and even went through the steps with me to get me started! I've never looked back and love this machine!


  12. I visited this morning , glad I came back. You are blessed by being able to work at what you love doing. Thank you for the extra giveaway, I signed up for the newsletter.

  13. Some husbands are the best. I have one of those. They are keepers. Jmikebalou (at) aol dot com

  14. That Quilty Box photo makes the heart beat faster. My husband approves when my Touch Quilts for donation to a local facility have bright colors included.

  15. Thank you for sharing your story. How great to have a hubby that knows you that well. LOL about lugging the Kenmore around for years from house to haour.

  16. Oooh what a lovely giveaway, I'd la la LOVE to win! :)

  17. Very nice Paula...I have one of your videos..loved it! Fun to hear more.....

  18. Hi-I am working on a table runner for our newly remodeled home. The colors I am using are the same ones in the Spanish tile we installed in our bathroom. I am using Angela Pingel's book, "A Quilter's Mixology, Shaking Up Curved Piecing," the Sunrise pattern.

  19. This blog hop has been fun! What a lucky thing that you went to that quilt show!

  20. It was fate that you locked your keys in the trunk and look what happened! Hehe, this has been an awesome hop!! Everyone should have a quilty box! Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. What a great story! I'm happy for you too. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Marian is so blessed to have such awesome bloggers! You all are sew inspiring, thanks for sharing.

  23. I am a new follower here, just subscribed to your newsletter too. crystalbluern at tds dot net

  24. What a lovely story, and especially that your husband knew before you that you would love quilting. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  25. Isn't so nice that your husband knows you so well and to give you the love of quilting. What a great guy. A lot of times my husband will come up with whatever I am thinking. You know that you have lived with someone so long they can read your mind. What a nice give away.

  26. Isn't so nice that your husband knows you so well and to give you the love of quilting. What a great guy. A lot of times my husband will come up with whatever I am thinking. You know that you have lived with someone so long they can read your mind. What a nice give away.

  27. Great story and what a wonderful hsband you have.

  28. What a fun quilt...and such a great story. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Great story (your husband is a keeper!)

  30. A wonderful story. How interesting that many of us have similar stories to tell and yet we all end up somewhere different on the quilting continuum.

  31. Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  32. Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  33. i have learned so much myself over the years of quilting. Always having fun with it and learning new things.

  34. How wonderful your husband must be . . . . ALMOST as wonderful as mine is. I enjoyed your story; thank you. lynnstck(at)

  35. Sounds like you started with the same tools that I did. But I bought my own, lol. I enjoyed reading your story and must say, I enjoy paper piecing also.

  36. Thanks for sharing the great story about how you became a quilter. It's amazing how one small thing can change the direction of our lives. I signed up for your newsletter. You're not scheduled for any classes in my area, but I'll keep my eyes open for the future.

  37. I have some border fabric like the first quilt shown, and did not know what to do with it until now. Thanks for the idea! Great story.

  38. How lucky we are to be able to hear from so many quilters. Thank you.

  39. Thanks so much for sharing your quilt story. Yay to great hubbies who support us Qwazy Qwilters! sewgood414athotmaildotcom

  40. My husband is very supportive of my quilting lifestyle. I going to say hobby but it's much more than that. We can show others our love for them by our work,wrapping them in quilty goodness. Thank you for sharing your story!

  41. Very nice ty for sharing your story....And your ideas..........Love ideas..........

  42. Thanks for sharing your story

  43. What a special story of your spouse's support and encouragement in your quilting journey. When I was garment making my spouse and children played a part in my journey, they had all been in fabric stores on numerous occasions. Sometimes they would slink down in the car or turn their heads if we happened to pass a fabric store while out driving. Like that was going to stop me from seeing the word FABRIC. Lol

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  44. I love your story and how your husband helped you get started. My hubby bought my first machine and surprises me with fat quarters now and then. I love that man. Thank you for sharing!

    debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

  45. Hi Paula,
    My husband was my primary influence as well. He saw a midarm machine on a website and thought I might be interested. I had always thought I would like to make a quilt one day, but I had never got around to it. That was in 2011. It's my primary pass time now.

  46. Very nice husband! He is a keeper! mumbird3atgmaildotcom

  47. Love your story about your husband. My dear Husband was very supportive of my quilting too till he passed away 2 years ago. I did sign up for your newsletter as well. Love your first quilt. I have one that faded from hanging over the arm chair in the front window. LOL

  48. How fortunate to do what you love for a living! And such a wonderful gift from your husband to start you off!

  49. What a sweet husband, Thank you for the lovely giveaway and I also signed up for your newsletter :) grecomara at gmail dot com

  50. Lovely story! Thanks for sharing!

  51. Wow, what a great guy your husband is! Thanks for sharing your story and the giveaways. I signed up for the newsletter too. vickise at gmail dot com

  52. Leah Day has been sharing about your - great selections. Thanks for sharing your story.

  53. What a hubby! I can hardly believe you even got him to a Quilt Show and then he buys you supplies and he treats you like a queen; he is a keeper! Thanks for sharing your own personal story.

  54. Quilters husbands are a special breed, aren't they? Mine just shakes his head when he looks at my stash but is always anxious to see my newest creation.

  55. Beautiful quilts Thanks for sharing

  56. Hmm. Maybe I should lock my keys in the trunk once in awhile. Thanks for sharing your story!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Your husband is keeper. Thank you for sharing your quilting journey.

  59. Your husband sounds brilliant. I'd love to win the quilty box, as I've started experimenting with epp, but I can't see a way to sign up for your newsletter.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  60. What a great story! Nothing in life can be better than being able to work at a job you love! You really are a Queen! So glad your became a quilter and shared your story with us.

  61. Love that you husband bought you that "starter kit"-- so sweet!

  62. Sew nice to have a husband give you the gift of a future love. Great story and journey

  63. Your husband is a darling and you are so fortunate!!! Thanks for sharing your story!

  64. What a wonderful husband! I enjoyed your story.

  65. Your quilt is something to be proud of, it still looks great! Thanks for sharing.

  66. How wonderful to hear that your husband is an enabler. You don't hear that very often.

  67. Your Husband is a Sweet Treasure!!! So cool that he bought your first tools! :) LOOOOVE your first quilt! Creative & Beautiful! Thansk for sharing...and also for chance to win your Give-a-way! :D

  68. Always nice to have a supportive husband. Glad to hear you share your talents with other quilters.

  69. What a thoughtful, observant husband you have. Now you get to live the dream!

  70. How wonderful to have a job that you totally love! Your husband is also a jewel!!


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