I love everything about July! The significance of the fourth and what it means to be an American in an unsettled and divisive world has an importance that we are reminded of every day through events happening both on the domestic and world stage. I have been fortunate in that I have been able to travel to foreign countries and continents (all except Antarctica) without incident, proud to be an American but humbled and enriched by the cultures and peoples experienced during those travels. But the red, white and blue will always bring love to my heart and tears to my eyes.
And color to my quilts! Here are pics of a few of my favorites:

This year we stayed home over the fourth and barbecued for friends. I marinated a tri-tip in my favorite mixture, found in a recipe printed in the Los Angeles Times a few years ago: Pour ½ c.. each soy sauce, lime juice (it calls for fresh, but I buy it in a bottle because that’s about a kazillion limes) and bourbon whiskey into a large ziplock bag. Add 2 T. freshly grated or shaved ginger, 1 T. currant jelly and 1 T. crushed dried red chili pepper. Mix well and then add a 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 lb. tri tip roast. Recipe calls for it to be refrigerated for 24 hours, but I usually leave it for about 48 before putting it on the grill. That’s Dan’s job – it usually takes just about 40 minutes to get to medium rare on our gas grill set on medium heat, depending on the size of the roast. He starts testing with an instant read thermometer at about 30 minutes and we’re looking for an internal temp of about 140 degrees. Then he pulls it off the grill, tents it with foil and lets it rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing it thinly.
We also made barbecued chicken and a salad that I made with a Hello Fresh meal service delivery. It had potatoes and green beans and basil. Really yummy! If you want the recipe, let me know and I can do a blog post on it.
Happy July!