Finished the Circuit blocks and am thinking about the next Block of the Day, put the inner and outer borders on the Squares Plus quilt I’m making for Rhonda (pics later in the week when I take it to her in Salt Lake so she can see it and decide on batting and binding fabric) and am now putting the final border on the minions quilt.
The pic above is of the quilt with the fabric I had bought for the border. Delayed, hemmed and hawed, and basically decided it looked blah against the dark sashing.
Decided on the orange print in the same line and am much happier with the outcome! The new fabric brings out the orange dots in the navy sashing print and just brightens up the whole thing.
Going to put all that first border print on the back; thinking one of the yellow dotty prints for binding. What do you think?

Absolutely the right decision! (Thumbs up)