There was a whole table filled with my merchandise....

They even had some packages on sale for the bargain hunters -- and who isn't one of those?
Classes went very well (I didn't put a needle through my finger during a demo like I did last time I taught -- embarassing, that!), students were really fun and creative, and employees were experts on the Pfaff machines we were using in the workshop. I also learned a few new tips and tricks on these machines and that's always a good thing!

I saw the Halloweentown design pack from Anita Gooddesign on the wall and, of course, I HAD to buy it. Betty said she had all 25 blocks embroidered out and she's now working on the border, so of course I begged her to bring them in so I could see them.

Are these fabulous? I just have to make this!!!

And, if you know me, it's easy to guess which of these blocks is my favorite, right?
I'm spending this week in the Sacramento area as an alumni student in one of Cindy Needham's machine quilting classes. She's one of the best teachers I have ever met and my quilting technique and design knowledge improve immensely every time I'm able to take a workshop from her. She's also on Craftsy, so everyone can benefit from her experience and teaching expertise.
I brought a few projects and started one last night after I got here, so I'll post pictures as I go....
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