Last Monday of the month, so it was time for JAM (Just Another Monday). It was at my house this afternoon so I was in charge of snacks.
Took the easy way out via Marie Callenders....and a "serve yourself" can of yummy whipped cream -- not my most elegant presentation ever, but still good. Along with half of the people I know, I've been on Weight Watchers for the past few weeks, so I had to decide if the pie was worth the points.....but there are no calories in Show & Share, so here goes:
Dawna took a class from Sylvia Einstein at the Ridgecrest guild last year. Since this is one of the quilts she entered in this coming weekend's show (YIKES!) she needs to get it done!
If you look closely in the corner, Dawna hooped all three layers and quilted a lighthouse and surroundings into the corner of the quilt. Look for light thread against the black....
What has been taking up my time for the past week (and why I have not been at the computer blogging) is that I have been quilting Dawna's Floral Visions quilt, which she also entered in the show this coming weekend. She showed it at JAM, but I have two blocks left to go; I can drop it off to her tomorrow for binding and so that she can get it washed, blocked and ready to hang at the show. I have closeups to post when I get it done.
This is the quilt that Tiffany made from the appliqued snowman blocks that she had brought last month. All Tiffany's applique is by hand and her work is awesome!
Today Tiffany brought these black & white appliqued blocks and the fabric that she wants to use with them. This will be her March project.
At right is one completed block -- a little easier for you to see when they aren't all in a pile! When I took these pictures Tiffany said, "When you put it up on the blog, that means I have to finish it!" Wish that worked for me!!!
Vicki's March project is a Tennessee Waltz quilt in black/white/red; she already has most of the elements made and so it should go together quickly.
Janis and I didn't finish our February projects, so have decided to carry them over into March. That means I hope to finish the pink roses quilt that I put the borders on early in the month, before I got distracted by work, and also the appliqued hearts quilt that I started.
Our next JAM meeting will be March 28, during our JAM beach retreat! We are going to take a three night/three sewing day retreat at Channel Islands Harbor and work on getting those March items finished or maybe even get a head start on April! With fewer distractions and plenty of encouragement from quilting friends, we should have much fun and get a project or two done.....
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