I belong to two clothing services that send clothing collections at a time interval that I can specify. One is StitchFix, for regular clothes, and the second is Wantable for fitness clothes. I get these collections, of five pieces each, once a month although I could specify either more or less frequently or skip months altogether if I want.
Wantable has other programs, too; my friend Trina subscribed to the one for makeup and loved it, there are also programs for lingerie and accessories. I only get the workout clothes. They come in the box above, which is the size and style of a flip-up shoebox. I have five days to try on everything, put anything I don't want back in the box, stick on the prepaid label and send it USPS. I drop it at the post office with my outgoing customer shipping, but they also give you directions to have it picked up from your house.
If you keep everything in the box, you get a 30% discount; if you buy three or four items, you get a 20% discount.
This is my third Fitness Edit; I kept three items from each of the first two shipments. What I like about this is that it exposes me to brands, styles and colors that I don't run into in my run-of-the-mill shopping. I live at least one third of my life in workout clothes: morning 3 mile walks that I'll resume when my toe heals and working out with my trainer Shelly at the gym three times a week. Most of the time, unless I have somewhere else to be, I just stay in the workout clothes all day.
So this is what was in this month's Edit:

So I put on underwear and a Knockout by Victoria's Secret sports bra -- best sports bra ever!!! -- and tried everything on....

I put on a pair of charcoal grey leggings from Fabletics, another online fitness wear company that is either owned or co-owned by Kate Hudson. These are among the best fitting leggings that I've ever purchased and I have them in black as well as the grey. This is the NUX focus tank, in a green print instead of the poppy color in the picture of the product. I like tie dye and don't have much green. Verdict -- not sure; the fit's fine, but maybe I'd like it better with black bottoms? Maybe there's a reason I don't like green?

This is lightweight and the colors are spring-like. It will be great for wearing to and from the gym as well as the morning walks. Love it with the grey leggings, so verdict: Keep!

My first thought was "Ugh! Shorts!" and I wasn't even going to try them on, but then I remembered that I live in southern California's Antelope Valley. Not quite as hot as Palm Springs from April through October, but pretty darn close! And I don't own any shorts at all...

Mainly because I have blindingly white legs and when walking or working out, wear my ever present neoprene knee sleeves, not a lovely sight! Well, maybe the knee sleeves would look better if I bought two of the same brand? LOL
But then when I tried this on, I really liked the fit and they're comfy. Verdict -- keep! Wearing them with a VSX sports T-shirt from Victoria's Secret and the lovely fuzzy sock that fits over my swollen foot!
Although I have to stop whining about my broken toe, particularly since Janet-Lee Santusio posted that she was driving in a snowstorm with a broken leg with her sidekick, Mary Schilke. If you don't know them, Janet-Lee and Mary are the founders, owners, organizers, etc. of MQX. I taught for them a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the experience -- these ladies put on one heck of a show!

My very favorite color of blue in a capri legging! Very flattering fit, no butt seam and a textured stripe down the leg. And doesn't this color bring out that little blue stripe in my fuzzy sock? Verdict: Keep!

Last thing, the turquoise wrap. I'm not a fan of things hanging down, so I liked it much better knotted in the second (sorry, blurry) picture. Love the color; verdict: Maybe?
So what do you think? Return the tie dye top and the turquoise wrap? Keep them? Help me out here!
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Location:Palmdale CA